Over 30 years' experience
Available across Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire
5 Star Yell Customer Rating

Windows & Doors

Professional window installations

Not only essential for letting natural light into your home, quality uPVC windows can help save you money on energy bills and make your home a little more secure. Count on the team at Summit Homecare for quality window installations, as well as new doors.

Quality is our priority

Summit Homecare ensures that you only get quality uPVC window and doors fitted in your home. The windows and doors we install are built to last and highly rates by our previous customers. Our windows are 'A' graded ('A+' for our triple-glazed units), and are internally glazed. We have plenty of double and triple-glazed unit to choose from, as well as quality bi-fold and French doors.

No matter how good a window is, it also needs to be installed correctly. With more than 30 years in the trade and a dedicated team of window and door-fitting experts, you're in safe hands. Our team won't call a job done until we're sure you're happy with our work.

Based in Doncaster we regularly work throughout Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and the surrounding area, 6 days a week. We can also be counted on to upgrade your roofline.
See our latest window installations

So why should you consider upgrading?


Swapping out your old, worn wooden or uPVC windows and doors with modern replacements can really lift the look of any property.


As criminals get smarter, so must our windows and doors. We can install a range of windows and doors that would give would-be criminals a hard time getting in.


A better sealed home means you're trapping more warm air inside, thus reducing your reliance on your heating system and saving money as a result.


Our prices are incredible affordable, and we'll always look to work within your budget. 

Get in touch today for a competitive quote.

For affordable and high-quality window installations throughout Doncaster and the surrounding area, call Summit Homecare now on:

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